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Decomposition method in a sentence

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Sentence count:37Posted:2020-12-23Updated:2020-12-23
Similar words: decompositiondecomposition reactionphotodecompositiondouble decompositionfunctional decompositionrecompositiondecision methodpercentage composition
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1 This article uses the direct double decomposition method to synthesis zinc gluconate, through adding ethyl alcohol to reduce its watery solution solubility and to obtain its crystal.
2 The structured design and decomposition method assures that decisions made in the strategy development are made in proper sequence.
3 The definition of object classes, layer decomposition method and characteristics of the mode.
4 Finally the decomposition method of the non-steady background response and resonant response is given. This method and Ritz-vector method are combined to compute wind-induced vibration response.
5 Parallel computation is based on the domain decomposition method and load balance is achieved by using METIS system.
6 The local wave decomposition method is extended, and a general method for analyzing variance-stationary random signal is presented.
7 Modified titanium-based metal anode was prepared by thermal decomposition method and its electrocatalysis for methanol was measured by three-electrode system.
8 Many kinds of normal mode decomposition method have already been derived using pressure hydrophone array. But the performances of these methods are too sensitive to the signal to noise ratio.
9 The direct domain decomposition method given in this paper is effective for the parabolic equation.
10 This paper introduced a regression - class mixture decomposition method for fuzzy point data.
11 Dawsonite decomposition method , a new process for producing sodium aluminate,[] is proposed.
12 The spatial Fourier decomposition method is a new method for the SAR imaging.
13 Parallel computation is based on the dynamic domain decomposition method which is performed using METIS system at each physical time step.
14 The influence of overlapping structure decomposition method based on inclusion principle on control properties of interconnected largescale systems was studied.
15 The influence of overlapping structure decomposition method based on inclusion principle on control properties of interconnected large-scale systems is studied.
16 The multiresolution empirical mode decomposition method of signal can be interpreted as spatial filtering based on the signal's extremum characteristic scale.
17 Preparation of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) by liquid-liquid inhomogeneous double decomposition method was studied in this paper.
18 In the present research, the activated carbon fiber-supported catalysts are mainly used in catalytic decomposition method and selective catalytic reduction(SCR) method.
19 The polysaccharides of cell wall in waste beer yeast slurry were extracted by enzyme decomposition method.
20 This paper introduces a typical SNR estimation algorithm by the use of autocorrelation matrix singular value decomposition method.
21 The method field of fault diagnosis character extraction, by carrying out the improved empirical decomposition method.
22 The stability of large - scale systems is studied and a partial decomposition method is proposed.
23 The improvement of the aperiodic array's beam pattern made by the spectral decomposition method is analyzed.
24 An internal coupling condition satisfied the conservation of flux is used in the domain decomposition method.
25 The commonly employed approaches include vacuum low-temperature heating, liquid nitrogen method, capsule method, flavor pairing method, bubble method, decomposition method, and so on.
26 CG - ADDM algorithm is the effective combination of CG algorithm and ADDM ( Algebraic Domain Decomposition Method ) .
27 The method of cyclopentadiene ( CPD ) from dicyclopentadiene ( DCPD ) with liquid phase thermal decomposition method is studied.
28 The program mode SPMD is selected, and a static non overlapped decomposition method is used to establish the projection between the computation domain and the processing nodes of parallel systems.
29 This paper presents an algorithm for the spatial Fourier decomposition method.
30 In this paper we are concerned with the non-overlapping domain decomposition method with Lagrange multipiers based on a new pointwise matching condition.
More similar words: decompositiondecomposition reactionphotodecompositiondouble decompositionfunctional decompositionrecompositiondecision methodpercentage compositionbisection methodcombination methodproduction methodrelaxation methodcorrelation methodsubstitution methodelimination methodcompositioncompositionalclassification methodidentification methodmusical compositionimpositionfirm positionsuperimpositioncompositivetemporary positionlithotomy positionpositive correlationpostpositionpositioninitial position
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